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Laser Land Leveller

Laser Land Leveller

Uneven soil surface has a major impact on the germination, stand, and yield of crops due to inhomogeneous water distribution and soil moisture. Therefore, land levelling is a precursor to good agronomic, soil, and crop management practices.

Traditionally farmers level their fields using animal drawn or tractor-drawn levelers. These levelers are implements consisting of a blade acting as a small bucket for shifting the soil from higher to the low-lying positions. It is seen that even the best leveled fields using traditional land leveling practices are not precisely leveled ... Read More

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  • Benefits Of Leveling
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Uneven soil surface has a major impact on the germination, stand, and yield of crops due to inhomogeneous water distribution and soil moisture. Therefore, land levelling is a precursor to good agronomic, soil, and crop management practices.

Traditionally farmers level their fields using animal drawn or tractor-drawn levelers. These levelers are implements consisting of a blade acting as a small bucket for shifting the soil from higher to the low-lying positions. It is seen that even the best leveled fields using traditional land leveling practices are not precisely leveled and this leads to uneven distribution of irrigation water.

The advanced method to level or grade the field is to use laser-guided levelling equipment. Laser land levelling is levelling the field within certain degree of desired slope using a guided laser beam throughout the field.

The common practices of irrigation in intensively cultivated irrigated areas are flood basin and check basin irrigation systems. These practices on traditionally leveled or unlevelled lands lead to water logging conditions in low-lying areas and soil water deficit at higher spots.

  • More Control Over Weed
  • Better Crop Growth
  • Complete Utilization of Land
  • Least Waste of Water
  • Minimum Use of Seeds, Fertilizers
  • Prevents Land of Being Barren
  • Saves Time and Manpower

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